Tyler and Renee are the senior pastors of The Courageous Church and have been serving in pastoral ministry for over 18 years. Their story is unique–beginning their ministry early on as pastors in a church that was in dire need of rescuing from religion. The Courageous Church exists today because of their response to a spiritual calling to lead both strong and courageously.

Courageous is both a rebirth and a relaunch and they are proud to say it’s now, “a Jesus church.” After officially launching in 2012, Courageous now serves a beacon of light in the community with two campuses in the Springfield area and a vision to rebirth struggling churches all across the Ozarks–from Camdenton to Cassville and Warsaw to West Plains.

They are both passionate about the local church and training, developing, and empowering people to live courageous lives. Spend any amount of time with them and you’ll likely hear them say, “we don’t do ministry to get the work done, we do it to get the people done!” Tyler and Renee, along with their two sons, Owen and Evan live in Springfield, MO.